Glasgow Uni’s best dressed

You all look fab-u-lous

We’re back!

After a long wait, Glasgow Uni’s best dressed is back.

This time, we’re giving you the 411 on how to pull off winter chic and casual cool. Winter doesn’t always have to involve looking like Joey from Friends, wearing thousands upon thousands of layers, as this good-looking bunch will show you.

Waking up for your 9am lecture is stressful enough as it is, and we all know the temptation to wear Mickey Mouse PJs coupled with Uggs to uni. These show-stoppers will hopefully give you some inspo on what to wear this chilly month, so when you’re half awake, raiding through your wardrobe give this article a quick glance and rock that faux fur jacket that your nan gave you.

For those of you with impeccable taste in fashion, keep doing what you do and watch out for us to be featured next month.

Lucia, third year, Neuroscience

Pulling off black on black

Tongliu, postgrad, Investment and Management

The jacket of dreams

Razeen, first year, Statistics

Smart cas at its best

Ashleigh, second year, English Lit

Nailing cute winter chic

Joel, third year, Geography and Politics

Casual but effective

Samantha, postgrad, Health Psychology 

Vintage jacket goals

Qinyi, second year, History of Art

The umbrella completes it

Iain, fourth year, Physiology and Sport Science

Everyone wants to know where the Adidas is from