Need some good karma?

Whether you’re desperate to be helpful, raise awareness, or just fill up your Exeter Award, get involved in National Student Volunteering week.

charity volunteering week

Suffering from end of elections withdrawal symptoms? Never fear, there’s a week of volunteering to get your teeth stuck into.

With an incredible 73 likes, the Facebook page boasts of “3 one-off volunteer projects for you to get involved in and a formal ball on the 15th.”

Monday saw two hours of “hand printing fun” to kick off the festivities, but things will be getting more serious by Thursday, which promises a Volunteering Fair in the forum 11 – 3pm.

A whole host of charities and volunteering societies will be promoting doing your bit for charity, such as volunteering at Exeter Food Bank.

The week will finish with a “7 – late” Community Action Heart of Gold Volunteering Ball, where you can pay £23 at the Guild Information Point to celebrate your hard work by enjoying “what is sure to be a fantastic night” with live music, a two course meal and wine.

In all seriousness though, help out and volunteer!