Careers event turns into angry protest

A female student walked out of a presentation by Durham alumni after telling them: "You couldn’t pay me to work for you."

arms trade hsbc

An HSBC recruitment event was thrown into chaos on Monday when an angry student attacked the bank for backing arms dealers.

The student stormed out after telling shocked employees of the bank : "There's not enough you could pay me to work for a bank like that."

The audience looked on in astonished silence as the protester laid into the bank's ethical record.

An onlooker said the outburst left most of the people in the audience bemused.

She said: “The event was being run by two graduates who started with the bank last September, so complaining about the ethics of certain big business arrangements to them seems unlikely to have much effect.

“If she doesn’t like these aspects of a capitalist business, maybe she shouldn’t be looking at working for a bank, the ultimate capitalist establishment, at all.”

The recruitment event was organized by two students who left Durham to work at the bank last year.

According to a recent report, the HSBC has invested more than £400m in the global arms trade.