Two for Tuesday: Revs vs Soda

Taylor’s Tuesday Tour of Town – we take a look at the newest nights Cardiff has to offer!

beer pong cardiff Cartel cream free stuff Full Moon Jagerbombs Koh Phangan Revolution Revs Soda SYNC tequila Thailand

With two new Tuesday club nights on the scene, it’s a job to decide which one to back.

The gauntlet of reps on the corner of the Law/Humanities crossroads will try to drag you in, but decide for yourselves and have your say in our poll: will it be Revolution’s ‘SYNC’ or Soda Bar’s ‘Cartel’ that gets your vote?

Having lost our beloved ‘Mode’ in Revs on Tuesday nights, the general consensus of The Tab readers was, “Bring back Mode!” and this semester, they’ve come back at us bigger and better with ‘SYNC’.

All in SYNC                                                                                  Tin Lee Photography ©

The change seems to have gone down well with the Tuesday crowd. One party girl in the queue last week said, “It’s great, it’s a good change that they’ve made, and it’s something different to look forward to. It’s really good that they have a mix of music in the different rooms.”

There are similar drinks deals as before, and the dress code still demands something that bit dressier than Oceana’s ‘oh-so-classy’ Icehouse. The music however, is now geared towards the house and electro and R&B and Hip-Hop crowds, rather than playing the more mainstream chart remixes from before.

New beats in the house                                                       Tin Lee Photography ©

SYNC also host themed nights, with the most recent being the ‘Full Moon Party’ this week. Based on Thailand’s famous party in Koh Phangan; there will be UV paint, cocktail buckets and lasers to make the night truly memorable.

“So what else is there to change things up?” you ask? Soda Bar have introduced ‘Cartel’ once a month to bring us more fun and wild debauchery of a Tuesday. ‘Cartel’ offers what most students cannot get enough of: free stuff. To be specific; whipped cream, Polaroid photos, syringe shots and tequila shots, plus, on Project X nights at Soda’s ‘Cartel’, there are beer pong tables.


“Wow, that sounds too good to be true!” I hear you cry, and you would be forgiven for thinking that it might cost a fortune for entry and drinks, but if you’re savvy and plan ahead (I know, when does that ever happen?), it will only cost you £3.50 for an advance ticket with queue jump.

A reasonable way to measure how expensive a club is is by the price of its Jagerbombs. ‘Cartel’ in Soda will only charge £2, which is not too shabby when you consider that a Zwack bomb in Solus will also set you back £2.

Squirty cream on tap

So fear not Tuesday nighters, there is plenty out there to keep you from your 9am Wednesday lectures; perhaps you dither between the two on alternate weeks to mix it up a bit, or maybe you’re loyal to one of the two. Cast your vote underneath and let us know!