New year, same me

A plea for all Cambridge students to abandon resolutions


Cambridge is a weird place. It is densely populated with overachievers who thrive off academic validation, dream of corporate internships and love the grind. We love it, of course, but this environment can encourage students to do something that truly sickens me. They make boring resolutions.

I want to attend all my lectures   YAWN

I’m going to wake up earlier   SNOOZE

I’m not going to leave my work until the last minute   UGHHHHHHHH

Please. The ages of 18-21 are not meant for good decisions!!! They are meant for sleeping with your makeup on, eating kebabs after every night out, creating elaborate lies to supervisors about why you couldn’t possibly hand in a complete piece of work, consuming a worrying amount of RedBull, and counting dancing in a sticky-floored nightclub as part of your weekly exercise.


hangover prevention (Image Credits: Sophie Tallon)

There is a tendency in Cambridge to be so focused on our ambitions for the future that we forget what stage of life we are currently in. I can’t stress enough that you have your whole life to work. The retirement age is literally increasing.

There is also an obsession (I think) on social media with wellness which can creep into our resolutions. Whilst I absolutely believe it is important to take care of yourself, and in between the Red Bull and Diet Coke you should probably have a piece of fruit and a glass of water, I also think sometimes we obsess over potential future ‘problems’. Trends like ‘preventative botox’ and teenagers using anti-ageing wrinkle creams are something we should probably critically assess. The obsession with wellness and well-being and any other health buzzword you can think of has, in my opinion, become out of control. I’m 19. My prefrontal cortex is not fully developed. I should not be wasting my time stressing over wrinkle lines and (God forbid) using an ‘anti-wrinkle straw’. My resolution should not concern ageing or whether I’m investing enough to put a down payment on a three-bedroom house with a garden by the age of 35. What next? I plan to write my will by 2025? Decide the best life insurance plan by 2026?

the body wants what the body wants x (Image Credits: Sophie Tallon)

We really need to take the pressure of resolutions that ask us to be the ‘best versions of ourselves’ at the grand old age of 19. I know personally, I buy one too many dresses for formals. But also, I’m 19 and still figuring out the clothes I like and what fashion means to me. So instead of going cold turkey on shopping and curating a capsule wardrobe of five investment pieces that I have to commit to wearing for life, I’m just going to limit myself to only buying a new dress for one May Ball and not every single formal. I understand there are sustainability concerns when discussing consumption and fashion, which is why I am trying to shop more mindfully and browsing eBay and Vinted first, before checking out other brands I gravitate to.

Feeling formal (Image Credits: Jim Bridger)

I absolutely support looking after yourself. Just not when we impose militant restrictions. Attend lectures, but if you have a raging hangover, skip! This is the age where you can bounce back quicker from hangovers*! Take advantage!

*I think? I’ve done no scientific research

To sum up, I beg and plead that every single student only makes resolutions they are excited to follow. If you want to learn how to do a handstand or want to learn new recipes then go for it. If you love running and really want to try a half marathon, do it. But if you hate running and would rather order a takeout, then do that.


Feature Image Credits: Sophie Tallon, Thomas Alexander

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