Tab Blind Date: Amy and Harry

Tab Blind Date is back! Read up on the love, lust and learning that took place last Wednesday night…

amy Cambridge cilla black dogs harry harry's little knee scar loch fyne love match making md mollie wintle parents romance Tab tab bind date

Harry and Amy were the third couple to be match-made by The Tab.  Now, we don’t like to make grand claims here  –  but we’re pretty sure they fell in love. Find out below how the romance blossomed, and do apply yourself if you want in on the action.


Harry is a third-year PPSer at Downing, who once jumped off a a concrete hill in a playground and now has a scar on his left knee that sometimes, when it gets wet, in the right light, almost looks purple.

Your ideal date?

Foreign brunette sport dwarf.


I didn’t wanna do it. I don’t know how it happened, but it did. My preconceptions were that normally all dates end in sadness and regret and I knew this one would be different.

First impressions?

2 vegetarians in a fish restaurant. Success. She was a human. This was already going 100 times better than my last date, and to be honest I thought I’d hit the absolute gene jackpot. She had nice jeans on.

What did you talk about?

What didn’t we talk about. Dogs (obviously dogs came up). We also talked about my time in the navy as a missile safety officer (Sub MSO) and it was really fun to talk and talk and then we talked some more and we also talked about clubs and we talked about pubs and we talked about our favourite type of bicycle lights and how much you need them and we also talked about how we became vegetarian and then we stopped talking for a while to eat but then I wanted to talk again so I talked a bit about things that I’d done in the last day or two which wasn’t very interesting but then she talked about things that she had done and they were a little bit more interesting than things I’d done which made me feel good inside but then it made me a little sad because she has more fun times than me like she went to China and she saw some things there that I hadn’t seen and she ate some weird food that I didn’t eat and it was made of meat which I cant eat and she also cant eat (liar) and so that was nice.

Were you on form?

I don’t know what that is and if I’ve ever had it I was not on it.

Best thing about your date?

Being on a date. Having two absolutely delicious bottles of wine.

Worst thing about your date?

Realising that the rest of the time I’m not on dates. Also that my friend Max told me it was half an hour later than it was which made me look like a dick.

Trajectory of the date? 

Up.up.up.slight down.up.up.up.plateau.up.up.up.fin.

Would you introduce her/him to your friends? 

So you’re asking would I introduce my only friend (new) to themselves? Yes. Yes I would. Because then I would have 2 friends?

Could she/he meet your parents?

I guess she could, if she knew where they lived, their travel plans and their calendar. If you’re reading this Amy, then just drop me a message through Mollie [The Tab Blind Date organiser]  and I’ll try and get them to co-ordinate in advance. They’re not even that busy at the moment, they have plenty of free time.

If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?

How little we talked about dogs.

Marks out of 10? 


Would you meet again?

We already did in the street last night I think.


Amy is a second year historian at Trinity who was once unwillingly given a sponge bath by a nurse in Croatia.

Your ideal date?

In year six my boyfriend took me on a date to Costa and bought me and my best friend (who was also on the date) a drink. It was a peak in my romantic history and I found out since then that boy was kicked out of school and arrested for stabbing someone. Let’s just say Harry was facing some stiff competition.


I hadn’t hurd (hahaha his surname is Hurd!) much about him beforehand so didn’t really have any.

First impressions?

I had been told 7pm and he had been told 7:30pm so my first impression was oh shit I have been stood up by someone who hasn’t even met me but then it was more oh right he hasn’t phew. Also nice teeth.

What did you talk about?

Both being vegetarian in a fish restaurant, Harry’s reputation at Downing, the fact that we both have fake names. Also the horrible, horrible names he has planned for his children which nipped any procreative urges in the bud.

Were you on form?

After a bottle of wine each I’m sure we both were, or at least hopefully didn’t really notice anymore.

Best thing about your date?

Copious amounts of wine. Also he gave me loads of recommendations of cafes and pubs, most of which I’ve now forgotten, but I appreciated them at the time.

Worst thing about your date?

The pasta and its strange brown sauce. And the sex tape.

Trajectory of the date? 

Stayed pretty steadily high, but that might have been because of the MD. Considering that he went on to The Fountain and I went onto Cindies, his night probably ended at a slightly higher point than mine.

Would you introduce her/him to your friends? 

Yeah although they might not be cool enough. Although he already knows Saul Nelson, who is pretty fucking cool so maybe we’d be alright!

Could she/he meet your parents?

My mum is still talking about the last time I went on a date with someone called Harry so I think it would probably just confuse her.

 If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?

For Mollie not to have sent two vegetarians to a fish restaurant. She’s all black and no Cilla.

Marks out of 10? 

Considering he had serious difficulty figuring out 50 minus 40, marking the date out of ten would probably be a wasted endeavour. Clue: the answer’s 10!!!

Are you going to meet again?

We already did in the klub!


Harry and Amy enjoyed their dinner at Loch Fyne. If you’d like to participate in The Tab’s next blind date, complete with a FREE meal, please email [email protected] with your name, college, sexuality and a single interesting fact about yourself.

The  hesitant among you, and those following our series, will be thrilled to know that our second couple, Jess and Pran, are still going strong.

Respect, lust and love