CamFM Harlem Shakes Its Way to ITV Fame
CamFM puts Cambridge on the map with its take on the Harlem Shake.
The CamFM version of Harlem Shake, the Internet meme currently taking YouTube by storm, has featured on this evening’s ITV news.
The video, staged by Cambridge student radio station CamFM, begins with a single gowned student strutting his stuff in front of King’s Chapel.
When the beat drops, dozens of students join the party, dressed up in a variety of ridiculous outfits.
The video appeared on ITV East Anglia this evening and has since featured on the ITV website.
Tim O’Brien, Head of CamFM and coordinator of the video, is absolutely blown away by the 15,000 YouTube views the scene has racked up since it was uploaded on Saturday.
Speaking exclusively to The Tab, Tim said: “We all went down to King’s Parade, set up a camera and a pretty hefty PA system powered by a car battery, and just went for it. I’m not sure the graduation ceremony down the road approved, but they didn’t really have a chance to complain – it was over as quickly as it started.
“The funny thing is that off camera there are about 250 tourists with their cameras out. I tried getting them involved but they weren’t having any of it.”
YouTube users have been impressed with the enthusiasm of those involved, in particular the appearance of a certain domestic animal. One user commented: “Props to the pet dog for getting involved! Loving Marshmallow Man!”
Others, however, have been less vociferous in their praise of CamFM’s efforts. Cambridge comedian Ken Cheng (a.k.a. Mark Liu) appears puzzled by the video’s success on YouTube, commenting, “How is this going viral and mine not? What am I doing wrong guys?”
Despite the video going viral, O’Brien has not forgotten what’s important. “The main thing is that we beat Oxford to it.” He was also rather scathing of The Other Place’s effort, pointing out that “whoever edited it missed the drop of the song – a really poor effort all round. But I think we did Cambridge proud!”
The Tab loves CamFM’s take on the Harlem Shake. Keep up to date with the station by liking the CamFM Facebook page.