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Vegan activist arrested after covering London Road McDonald’s in fake blood

They wore pig masks and shouted ‘no excuse for animal abuse’

Yesterday evening, a group of vegan activists stormed the London Road McDonald's. They entered the fast food chain wearing pig masks, spread fake blood on the floor, and chanted "no excuse for animal abuse".

The group, Direct Action Everywhere or DXE, stormed the building at around 7.15pm. Police arrested one protester for "disturbing the peace", whilst also threatening to arrest others if they did not leave.

Watch the arrest and blood-throwing on The Sussex Tab's Instagram

Image may contain: Crowd, Police, People, Pants, Apparel, Clothing, Shoe, Footwear, Human, Person

DxE live streamed the entire event on their Facebook page, a video of which can be watched here.

Toby Elliot, a witness to the protest, told local paper The Argus: "They poured blood over the windows and floors and were shouting and screaming"

"Police then started pushing everyone out, including customers."

A spokesperson for DxE told The Sussex Tab "Animals' bodies are objectified. We have made animals our slaves."

"How can ending the suffering of trillions not be our priority?"