Nottingham named most stressed-out city in Britain

Did you confess to stress?


As if life wasn’t already stressful enough, residents of Nottingham now have to carry the title of being the nation’s most stressed city dwellers.

In a recent survey, the city ranked highest as a staggering 67 per cent of residents admitted to suffering from work-related stress, while almost half of those surveyed claimed to have financial problems.

Following local sports teams adds to the stress

It seems that there is no rest for the unfortunate inhabitants, as a further 58 per cent of people admitted a lack of sleep.

This comes just months after Nottingham was dubbed the most sleep deprived city in the UK.

Students are highly prone to stress, with January being the worst month due to exam pressure, coursework deadlines and lack of funds after an expensive Christmas period.

They do however have the benefit of returning home in the holidays to what are clearly far less stressful locations.

One of the many ways to de-stress

Stressed-out student Chris said: “This is an outrage. Coming from London, Nottingham is about as stressful as a candle lit soak in the bath.”

Bradley, a second year chemistry student, told The Tab: “I find a good night out on the lash relaxes me, you can’t feel stressed after a dozen pints and a greasy kebab.”

Students are too stressed to even face the camera

Biggest causes of stress put forward by residents have included a lack of clean open spaces, too much traffic in and around the city centre and the queue outside Ocean on a Friday night.

Feeling stressed just reading this? Let us know in the comments below.