We love to hate Valentine’s Day

Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. Charlotte Tarran takes us through our highs and lows regarding this “marmite” celebration

Valentine’s day is the Marmite of holiday celebrations. But I’m on the fence. I’m not particularly against it, nor am I sending cards to everybody I know.

I’m single. I should fall into the ‘hate’ category, with only my bitterness for company. Until I was 16, the only Valentine’s cards I got were from my parents, hand delivered to my bedroom from my ‘secret admirer’, who coincidentally had the same handwriting as my mother…

Gutted ….

But the hopeless romantic in me, vomit inducing as it may be, hopes for that card signed with a ‘?’ to be left for me to find.

Everyone loves to hate Valentine’s Day. If you’re unattached, Feb 14 is the disgusting commercialisation of an emotion you struggle to feel.

If you’re paired off, your relationship is too deep and meaningful to succumb to the disgusting commercialisation of an emotion the two of you share in the most deep and meaningful way.

Most people hate having to buy presents, send flowers and write cards to show someone that you love them. However, I defy any of you to reject that box of chocolates or latest edition of Call of Duty. If you do, send them my way (the chocolates anyway, you can keep the game!)

The three necessities: Chocolate, Wine and Mr Darcy

Maybe it’s the singletons complaining that brings the mood down in these special 24 hours. Rubbish. I guarantee before you found the ‘love of your life’, you were complaining about being lonely.

Secondly, hearing you complain about how difficult it is being in a relationship isn’t the most fun the unattached have ever had either.

At some point, we all hate V Day. But we’ll all love it too. Until then either enjoy it or ignore it. After all, St Valentine is not just the patron saint of love, but also plague and epilepsy.

I’ll be in my pyjamas, eating chocolate spread off the spoon and watching Keira Knightley in Pride and Prejudice without worrying about the date!