Take The Tab’s Cheating Survey

Are we all about commitment, or likely to throw away our long-term love in the LCR…?


The Tab’s Cheating Survey is now closed.

Help us find out how faithful students have been here at UEA. Are we all about commitment, or likely to throw away our long-term love in the LCR…? 

Take The Tab’s cheating survey and help us settle once and for all the question of whether  men or women are more likely to do the dirty. And is your relationship really safe from that ‘platonic’ flatmate?

We want to know your experiences of cheating at UEA, even if you have never cheated, or been cheated on. We want you to help us understand why students have been tempted to cheat and how it happened.

Is ‘Welcome Week’ the doom of all monogamy? Or are UEA students are immune to temptation? Help us find out: