Benefits of Friends With Benefits

Ed Claxton discusses whether having a friend with benefits is a good idea

There could be many reasons why you are in a situation where you have a friend with benefits, maybe you can’t commit, maybe they can’t commit, or maybe you both just want sex. But whatever the reasons you might be in that situation, there is a reason it’s called ‘friends with benefits’ and not ‘friends with disadvantages’ (other than not sounding as catchy and being used as the title of a mediocre film).

Let’s not beat about the bush here, you get sex (sorry about the pun, I just couldn’t help myself). I mean, yeah there might not be much/any love involved (doesn’t matter, had sex), you probably don’t get to spoon (doesn’t matter, had sex) and the person has no real reason to respect you the next morning (doesn’t matter, had sex). And sorry ‘Lads’, you definitely won’t be getting a sandwich afterwards, but it doesn’t matter, had sex.

There are ‘No Strings Attached’ (on the ball with average film references today). You don’t have to worry about birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas or any of that possibly expensive nonsense that comes with a serious relationship. But you can celebrate each of them with birthday, anniversary and Christmas sex. Sex is cheap.

You also don’t have to put up with someone calling you whenever they need a shoulder cry on or just want to ‘talk’. The only calls you or they should be expecting are that of the booty variety (YAY MORE SEX).

Did I mention you get sex?

Well, er, I guess a potential benefit could be the development of a proper relationship? You get all of the above, on top of the sex on special occasions you can also get presents, you get someone to talk to whenever you need to and if you are a ‘Lad’ you are more likely to get a sandwich out of the arrangement.

And I suppose, if you care about this sort of thing of course, having someone who loves and cares about you as well as (hopefully) wanting to have sex with you might be nice. But then again, what you gain in the form of the relationship, you may well lose in the long term monetarily.

So, a quick run through of the benefits of friends with benefits are: sex, cheaper than a relationship, no commitment (if that’s your thing) and if that isn’t your thing, the possibility of a relationship coming from it.

So now for the big final question we have all been waiting for… after seeing the benefits, is it worth it? Or do you think you may as well just try for a relationship? I know which one I would choose, how about you?