Police try and shut down Happy Chippy for selling ecstasy

It’s called the Happy Chippy for a reason


The Happy Chippy is the place to go for drunken binging after a night at Digital or Powerhouse.

It doesn’t just sell you pizza, chips and a can for £4 it also sells the other necessities for a night on the Toon: fags, poppers and legal highs.

The Happy Chippy lives up to it’s name, with reports that it’s the place to go for drugs including ecstasy.

Northumbria Police are attempting to take the Chippy’s late night food license away in an attempt to curb drug use among it’s customers, who are mostly drunken students.

The case is to be heard on Thursday morning by Newcastle City Council.

The Chippy owners are not strangers to court, having been taken accused of selling Class A drugs in 2003.

In 2004 the owners were let off after selling Magic Mushrooms after arguing they didn’t realise it was illegal to sell them – Yeah right.

The Police sent a 16 year old in February to make a test purchase from the Chippy and they were able to buy 2 bottles of poppers and a blue tablet – sounds legit, doesn’t it?!

The Northumbria Tab has spoken to a source who wishes to remain annoymous about his experience at the Chippy:

“I went in quite pissed and asked for some poppers. The guy behind the counter looked me up and down and asked me if I wanted anything stronger and winked at me.”

“When I asked what he meant, he mouthed ‘e’.”

“I was so shocked, I paid for the poppers and left. When I’ve been back since nothing has been offered.”

Whatever The Happy Chippy are selling, its customers certainly are smiling.