Every single thing you have to do to avoid the freshman 15

‘A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips’

As a fresher, there are more than enough things for you to be worried about, and putting on the pounds from alcohol and munchies is certainly something you do not want. Unless you've been a gym nut before starting university, you might want to prepare yourselves for the dreaded freshman 15. But don't fret, here are a few tips to stop that from happening.

Continue the sports you've been doing prior to university

Once university starts, you'll probably get so caught up in all the new and exciting things out there just waiting for you to explore. With your new hectic social life, it is very likely that you'll stop doing activities you used to do before becoming a fresher. If you don't want to turn into a couch potato, it would be best to join an active society that keeps you on your feet. Perhaps doing a sport that you're already familiar with so you can keep improving your skills. Continuing a sport that you know can also give you the opportunity to play competitively.

Control your alcohol intake and munchies

This is probably going to be the hardest one to follow because as a fresher, it's all about the sesh life and doing as many shots as you can until you blackout. And who can even resist the temptation of getting cheesy chips or a pizza or both after a messy night out?! I'm not saying that you can't have either of these things, but before you say "fuck it, I'm only getting it once" and sink your teeth into all that goodness, are you really only getting it once? Probably not. Remember, it's all about self control and not overindulging.

Have your fruit and veg

Yum! Green juice!

Yum! Green juice!

If you're cringing at the sight of broccoli, get a grip because it's fucking good for you and it tastes great. University is the prime place to screw up your diet, and in order to equalise all the shit you'll be eating – and drinking, let's be real – it's only right to have some proper food full of essential vitamins and minerals. You don't have to buy expensive juices or salads because that is going to be tough on a student budget, instead make your own. Preparing your own can be so much cheaper and healthier because you can control how much oil and salt you'll add. Next time, google up some recipes and pack a nutritious lunch. Don't always hit up a cafe.

Get a gym buddy and hit the gym together

Most freshers will have a free membership to the gym for a year and you should definitely make good use of that. But I'll admit, if you're going to the gym alone, it can be a bore and it kinda makes you not want to go anymore. This is why having a gym buddy is a fab way to stay motivated and have fun. You guys can even sign up for exercise classes like yoga and spin class, making a workout seem more like a hangout. Plus, you'll have someone to take Snapchats of you, which is pretty much the only reason anyone ever goes to the gym anyway.

Let the muffin go

Stress eating is something that gets to the best of us. It is very tempting to go grab a sugary coffee and a muffin during your study sesh to keep you going, especially when there's a cafe at almost every single library. But try and replace that unhealthy study snack with a healthier alternative like apples or grapes. They'll have less fat and crap that you don't really need, and gives you a better supply of energy to help you get through the stress. And of course, saves you a whole lot of money too.

Walking is the new gym

Getting that vitamin D

Getting that vitamin D

Even though hitting the gym is very important, being on the treadmill or the bike and not going anywhere is boring as hell. It's time to get out there and explore all that nature has to offer. We are advised to walk at least 10,000 steps every single day and this can improve our overall physical and mental wellbeing. Perhaps for you next hangout, try and go for a hike with friends or take a leisurely walk around the park.