Tab poll results: Nearly half of us are voting Labour


Leeds is staying true to form and joining The Tab in backing Ed Miliband for Prime Minister.

A whopping 36 per cent are hoping Labour will swoop into Number 10 after tomorrow’s General Election.

Ed’s the fave for everyone from first year to post grads, although the split between Labour and Tories is tiny for freshers.

But the Tories are hot on Milibae’s heels, with a respectable 34 per cent of us part of team Cameron.

The results have divided opinion. Second year Jess Austin said: “I really thought it would have been higher for Labour.”

Fourth year Dentist Abs Settipalli added: “I’m amazed it was that close between a party that wants to reduce fees and one that tripled them in a poll for the people directly affected.”

Trailing in third place are Natalie Bennett’s Greens, with a respectable 14 per cent of the vote.

Only seven per cent of us decided Nick Clegg’s apology was genuine and wanted to give him another chance, just a sliver above the five per cent who remain undecided.

Even Farage got a look in, with a teeny two per cent of Leeds students siding with UKIP.