24/7 Libraries

EddyB & friends to stay open for 24hrs during exam periods


Leeds University has made the decision to extend library opening hours to 24 hours a day during the summer exam period.

Education Officer Josh Smith said, ‘I am delighted to finally have achieved 24 hour libraries for students here because it’s been in demand for years’.

The Union will support the changes by extending their own opening hours and running the Union Bus service during the 24 hour periods.

However, some have opposed the decision. One PhD student argued: ’24 hour libraries promote a poor work ethic. Opening hours should be increased on a Saturday and decreased on a Sunday to promote a healthier working culture.’


‘Extended opening hours will lead to an increase in the number of basic spelling and proof-reading errors.’

Henry, a second year Business Studies student disagreed, telling The Tab ‘I am a night owl and am usually working late anyway. These changes will give me 24 hour access to the library facilities.

And speaking exclusively to The Tab, the Facebook incarnation of Edward Boyle is not best pleased with the move, arguing that it gives him less time to pursue his infatuation with Marjorie Ziff.

Either way, the most important point to take from all of this is that level 13 flirting can continue round-the-clock, and it’ll also give you more of a chance to appear on the fitty feed.