Fresh Fashion: Mosaic

Tab Fashion give your their club-by-club guide to going out in style.

fashion Tab Fashion the tab the tab exeter University of Exeter Freshers' Week

When we first arrived in Exeter, we had no idea what to expect from the nightlife and, more importantly, what to wear. Luckily for you, critiquing different venues throughout the week, here’s Tab Fashion‘s style guide for where, if you’ve survived the weekend, you’ll all be heading on Monday evening: Mosaic.

If you want a chance to dress up a bit, Mosaic is probably one of your only chances of doing so around Exeter.

Monday nights there are a lot classier than other club nights.

Heels are acceptable but, as it’s a long walk back to halls, wear something comfy.

Without looking as though you’re a try-hard, skirts and dresses are acceptable.

Still keep it casual, though, either going for a simple cut-out dress or the classic combination of a black flared skirt and some sort of pastel-coloured crop top.