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Channel 4 are looking for applicants from Edinburgh to be on Come Dine With Me

What a sad little life, Jane

Everyone's favourite cooking show, Come Dine With Me, is looking for applicants in Edinburgh and the surrounding areas for March 2019.

Do you think you've got what it takes to appease the unappeasable with your own culinary flair? If so, then you simply must apply right away.

We all know the deal – five dinner parties, five strangers and a shot at walking away with as much grace and decorum as a reversing dump-truck, with £1000 sticking out of your back pocket.

Image may contain: Flyer, Paper, Brochure, Poster, Advertisement, Person, Human

All applicants must live in or around Edinburgh, and be over the age of 18. And it's important that you'd be available to audition between the 17th – 19th January, and if push comes to shove, shoot on the 4th-8th February. If all of that sounds okay then you could be in for getting some airtime on Channel 4 and winning the yankee dollar.

To apply, all you have to do is fill out this application form, answering a few questions and providing your personal details. From then, it's just a matter of lowering the heat and waiting it out.

Good luck!