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The best places to watch England’s semi-final in Edinburgh on Wednesday

It’s very possible that football is coming home

Wednesday marks the day where Southgate's England team play in a semi-final of the World Cup for the first time in 28 years.

This game is too big to watch on your laptop at home. You need to get out and about and immerse yourself amongst the footy mad fans to really get the most out of this game.

Everyone is after the same thing; an outdoor screen, an easily accessible bar, and good vibes all round.

The Three Sisters has its usual ideal setup for watching sports. They have a massive outdoor screen, plenty of seating and lovely, lovely food to nibble on throughout the game.

McSorley's offers great vibes and is another fantastic spot to watch the big fixture. It has numerous cinema screens dotted around the bar, so you won't risk turning up and getting a bad spot.

Finnegan's Wake is another Irish bar which has a load of screens but not as much seating as McSorley's, so for this place you'll want to get there early to secure a top spot.

But of course, the ever-faithful Pear Tree is the place to go and watch the game. The beautiful beer garden is an Edinburgh hotspot and much like The Three Sisters, it has a great atmosphere outside, which is exactly what you need.