Image may contain: Red Carpet Premiere, Red Carpet, Premiere, Smile, Portrait, Face, Party, Person, People, Human

This is how to get The Tab Durham direct to your email inbox

Guaranteed to soothe the pain of your Oxbridge rejection

We’re launching an email newsletter.

It’s the only email you’ll enjoy opening, and the best way to pretend your inbox isn’t full of your diss supervisor asking if you still go to uni.

Buckle up for fire Duz gossip, the latest sports team to get banned, and the fashion show pics you can’t bear to miss out on.

And yes, you can still sign up if you’re in Hatfield. We don’t disc

It’ll be bursting with pure fire stuff from The Tab Durham, and maybe some little extras you won’t see if you’re not signed up.

Name the highlight of your week. Well now it’s this.

Every week, all up in your boring old email inbox. The best of The Tab Durham.

Honestly, it couldn’t be easier to sign up. Just put your uni email address in that box below. That’s it.