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The Tab Reviews: My Fair Lady


Feather Theatre Company's My Fair Lady is certainly a success. Amongst some shoddy accents and wardrobe malfunctions, the production exudes energy and fun.

Professor Higgins cries "Heavens what a noise!" and at the beginning it is undeniably that. However, the play went from strength to strength with every number.

The cast universally shone when singing, especially Eliza, Higgins and Freddie. Higgins stood out the most; his vocal flair clearly matched by his acting, perfectly portraying Higgins' attractive pomposity.

It was here that the production struggled; as a musical, My Fair Lady demands a measure of melodrama, however the stage of the Assembly Rooms doesn't quite afford this level of acting, and so at times it felt overacted. The cast were visibly restricted by the smallness of the stage, and as such the chorus choreography felt cramped and mal-coordinated at times.

That is not to say that it is not a highly enjoyable production of My Fair Lady. Wouldn't it be Loverly, On The Street There You Live, and Get Me To Church on Time, are all memorably well-sung, energetic and enjoyable.

With the obvious restrictions the company faced, they have done justice to the play and have injected an energy into an otherwise cold and tired Durham.