Durham BNOC of the Year Nominations: Round 2
You just want to be them
The second round of nominations for this year’s title of biggest BNOC is in. These notorious few have made it into our final heat of Durham’s biggest names.
Digby Walker, Cuth’s, 3rd/4th Year
An old classic, it wouldn’t be BNOCs of the year without this old gem.
We have literally all heard of Digby Walker, whether it be for his outrageous trousers or trips to the Scottish Castle. A keen geologist, this ultimate lad once managed to break his nose on a night out during a field trip to Tenerife.
Durham’s most famous rugby playing legend will either be spotted on your news feed during a big night, or in the library the following evening desperately piecing together a summie due in the next day.
He has survived falling off balconies and once sang the jigglypuff pokemon song repeatedly for 30 minutes, whilst dressed as a jigglypuff.
Digby has also been at Durham for far longer than any of you.
Archie Dawson, John’s, 4th Year
Popular with the girls, this scottish-reeling BNOC is an avid courter of the ladies.
He can be seen on Durham’s cobbled streets confidently dressed in eccentric chinos and maybe some tartan.
A-dog is an “absolute lady killer” who is able to see off many a pint, as well as maybe a bottle of Veuve Cliquot or two.
One particularly notorious yet brave decision was when he believed he could beat the bookies. He lost £400 on the Rugby World Cup.
Hannah Speed, Van Mildert, 1st Year. (Right)
Our very own Air BnB sensation, this BNOC has hit national press for her mum’s savvy decision to rent out her uni room.
This gal is fierce, sassy and a big fan of the NutriBullet.
She is also not a force to be reckoned with, being the Queen of Durham Debating.
It is also claimed she believed antlers to be made of wood…
Alex Tocili, John’s, 4th Year
This BNOC has a cracking rig.
He is the King of John’s, famous for his popular appearances at the fashion show and his killer chat. He is a popular and funny guy, with many an admirer.
A chic dresser, this BNOC is popular with the slightly older lady, as Hild Bede’s bandstand knows.
Ollie Murray, Josephine Butler, 1st Year
This guy is infamous for his sessions. Never seen without a drink in his hand, he made quite the impression on his first night of Fresher’s after having one or two too many.
He’s a Butler socialite, who is not shy of a massive night out, or a bottle of amaretto.