Roses are red, violets are blue, got to get married soon, I guess you’ll do
Or how to trick them into thinking Cambridge life is normal
How was your day at work Jerry? “It was alright. I spoke to a man who married a horse.”
‘Being Irish has never felt so good’
Inspired by Gone Girl, film editor MICHAEL DALTON provides us all with some wise advice on college marriage
English Faculty librarian David Rushmer is fighting to be reunited with his wife.
ELOISE DAVIES discovers divorce, incest and general marital chaos.
ELLIE SLEE faces mortification at Marriage formal, and things only get worse when all her pants go missing…
BETH SWORDS gives advice on the most romantic ways to propose in Cambridge.
CATHERINE AIREY admits her biggest turn-off from her faith has been the Cambridge Christian Union… and has a few other confessions to make as well.
Kim K got married and then divorced within 72 days. Why shouldn’t gay couples get the chance to do so too?