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NEWS COLUMN: Blind dates to May Ball rates

Read on for your weekly round-up of Cambridge drama

barbara stocking bme bar night hughes hall may ball lola olufemi Lola's news column RAG blind date trinity may ball

C/N- discussions of sexual assault and sexual exploitation

Alleged Cover-up

Dame Barbara Stocking, President of Murray Edwards College, has been making national headlines this week over an alleged cover-up from Oxfam at the time she was C.E.O. The charity is accused of covering up the results of an investigation which revealed that senior aid workers had used prostitutes in Haiti during relief efforts following the earthquake.

The college has backed the President emailing students that they believe the allegations of a cover-up are false, however they do not wish to undermine the clear horror of the exploitation itself which has been proved. Oxfam have claimed that there was no cover-up and that data protection prevented them from revealing names of those found guilty.

They claimed that they didn't report it to local police because they received advise that in the wake of an earthquake reporting would be pointless. However, the Haitian president doesn't seem to agree and has highlighted that 'the state of Haiti did not cease to exist'.

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The ex-CEO is embroiled in the allegations of a cover-up

In contrast, Oxcam, the student society in Cambridge, have been doing great work this week. They launched 'Museum Without a Home', a project that highlights how small acts can help the refugee crisis. Along with Amnesty, the project is intended to urge students to write to their MPs to vote to amend the family reunification bill to change the definition of family so that children can sponsor their parents and siblings over 18 can be sponsored.

BME Bar Night shut down

A BME Bar Night organised by Teddy Mack and Sara Poursafar was shut down by complaints from white students. They found a joke about how micro-aggressions can be wide-ranging offensive and in response, complained to bar staff who shut down the event. There are no words…

The performers and organisers pushed through and continued the night in the JCR. They didn't allow their voices to be silenced but were forced to overhear the white students who had attempted to silence them listen to 'hip-hop' in the nearby bar. Again, no words…

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It seems some students are threatened by inclusivity and diversity….

Students speak out

The women's campaign have launched a petition to change the disciplinary system in Cambridge so that it works by the balance of probability and not the criminal standard of justice. Lola Olufemi, the women's officer, has written an article in The Guardian highlighting the need for universities to do more. She picked up on the anonymous reporting system being hailed as a success and pointed out that 'there are no 'successes' in the work of ending sexual violence, only a recognition that there is much more work to be done.'

FNTM Festival

The FNTM arts fest will launch next Saturday. It's providing a space for female, non-binary and trans male individuals in art. There are a whole host of events planned including podcasts, workshops, exhibitions, shows and performances- and many of the events are free. There will be events throughout the week, starting on 17th February and ending 25th February.

The festival will launch this weekend

RAG Blind Dates Commotion

RAG Blind Date day is nearly upon us and that means there are plenty of bribes. Some are unsavoury, some are weirdly specific and some are both with one person bribing for a 'tall, blonde, Scandinavian scientist female'. Just know, if you're gonna specify race or be that specific, your bribes probably not going to be listened to.

Big Fish Ents were certainly not feeling in the spirit of charity and are giving people free entry on Thursday for their 'Let's Kill Valentine's Day' event if they bring along their blind date forms. All sounds well and good, but the event clashes with RAG's blind date after party in Kuda. The blind date forms will give you reduced entry; £2 before 11pm and £5 after, but obviously it costs money because it's for charity. After facing criticism for RAG, Big Fish Ents have since dropped the blind date forms from their publicity.

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Raising and Giving generally means money needs to be made for charity so make Thursday Kuda happen!!!

Even MORE May Ball madness

This seems to be becoming a regular feature but yet again, more May Ball drama has happened this week. Hughes Hall May Ball has come under controversy for posting a 'Fifty shades of greyesque' trailer for their ball. They've since taken it down but as expected, The Sun had a field day.

In more positive May Ball news Trinity is finally paying workers! Can I get a round of applause for them upholding what is a basic moral and legal requirement? It only took two rounds of public shaming for the richest college in the university to realise that they could in fact stretch out their ridiculously large budget to actually pay workers, so- well done?

Arcsoc's gone too far

Speaking of stupidly expensive events, arcsoc's popularity has gone way out of hand. The Tab has heard reports that someone sold their ticket for £40. What's worse? Someone actually bought it. I know you like your edgy nights but you have to draw a line somewhere. The transaction only serves to add to the stereotype that some Cambridge students have more money than sense.