Sneha Lala

Sneha Lala
Cambridge University


The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.


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Joe Cotton has 48 hours to appeal this ruling

UCU and UUK in talks over potential pensions agreement: temporary stalling or a long term solution?

UCU members still need to approve the settlement

Prevent: Cambridge University publicly apologises for interference in a PalSoc Panel

PalSoc welcomes the apology…

UCU Strikes: Students Rally outside Senate House

Students are not happy with the Vice-Chancellor, Stephen Toope…

Jesus! May Ball in name change fee controversy

God only knows what the logic is…

LIVE BLOG: Pension Strikes

Reporting to you from picket lines

NEWS COLUMN: Week 5 round-up

Read on for the trick to snagging a John’s ticket

DEPRAVED Cantab criminal may lose PhD

Matthew Falder committed unspeakable crimes

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: Hawking Phase

He’s the new answer to Life, the Universe and Everything

Mary Beard’s tweets on Oxfam controversy shut down by Dr. Priya Gopal

This comes after Beard caused controversy tweeting about Haiti

Robinson Rent: Banners broadcast student concerns

Porter’s were not happy…

Review: Churchill Spring Ball

A night where the drinks were surpassed only by the quality of entertainment

NEWS COLUMN: Blind dates to May Ball rates

Read on for your weekly round-up of Cambridge drama

Cambridge student launches sick pay campaign

Claudia Pama lost her PhD funding when diagnosed with cancer

Class lists: The drama continues

Even if you opt-out your name could be on the online list…

White students shut down BME Open Mic Night

Students complained they didn’t enjoy the BME performances

Every Little Helps: The Museum Without a Home

The exhibition shows it is better to help in small ways than not help at all

Students call for disciplinary procedure reformation

The criminal standard of proof is being called into question

NEWS COLUMN: your weekly rundown

All you need to know in one easy read.

Cam FM to run 24 hour radio marathon for mental health

It’s time to talk

Iranian exile to speak in Cambridge

Kaveh Abbasian will speak at the Maypole on the 7th of February

EXORBITANT costs for Trinity May Ball

They’ve hiked up ticket prices and past workers are not happy…

NEWS COLUMN: Get down with the gossip

Everything you need to know in one handy place…

Lectures cancelled?!?!

But don’t be too happy about it…

Cambridge students demand the decolonisation of MML

Students launched a campaign today calling for diversity

Clean Cambridge strives for sustainable studying

The University is to install a new solar array

New Hall’s new art

The college is opening it’s exhibition on 7th February

News Column: The salacious summary

There’s no better way to keep up with the gossip

Magdalene submits its ‘Cut the Rent’ petition

Students are demanding affordable living

Students support Picturehouse strike

Cambridge rallied to support workers demanding the living wage

Students rally for Living Wage

Students protested outside the Senate House

Only two universities spend more per student on their mental health services than Cambridge

According to our 2017 Mental Health Rankings

SolidariTee is going global

The Cambridge born campaign is spreading

Vice-Chancellor backs Dr Abdelrahman

He finds unfounded efforts to implicate her ‘disturbing’

BREAKING: Wine thief loose in Peterhouse

The victim is an unopened Morey St-Denis 1999 wine

Robinson launches ‘Cut the Rent’ petition

At the time of writing the new petition already has 58 signatures

‘No-platforming’ speakers could be illegal according to Cambridge

Cambridge’s criticism of banning speakers ‘within the law’ comes after the removal of academic Dr Salih from a Palestinian society event

Regeni’s murder: Supervisor’s data seized

Dr Abdelrahman’s phone and computer have been seized

New year, new knighthoods for Cambridge alumni

From Nick Clegg to Hugh Laurie, The Tab gives the run down on ex-Cantabs who’ve made the Honours list for 2018

Uber’s licence in Cambridge extended

Students can breathe a sigh of relief – Uber will be around for at least five more years to get you back from your nights out.