Deadmau5 wins love-coma war

  I don't really know what I mean by this title. After all, if you're going to have a war, you need guns and governments and armies and things and […]


I don't really know what I mean by this title. After all, if you're going to have a war, you need guns and governments and armies and things and I don't think Deadmau5 have those. Maybe I'm talking about an imaginary 'war' between most-listened-to tunes on my iPod, but that just seems like shit imagery.

I reckon that the idea of a love-coma appeals to me on a very basic level – as the perfect way to spend the dead period in our days at Cambridge (the 'dead period' being that between lectures and drinking. Or between drinking and lectures). Actually, fuck it – why would we want to leave the love-coma? A love-coma is clearly a much better thing than a lecture. Or a drink for that matter.

Now I know I haven't defined a love-coma yet, but i'll let you do that. This tune is Deadmau5 – Faxing Berlin (Piano Version). THIS is a love-coma for your ears. Come down, carry on, get up high – it works 100% of the time, all the time.