All the things I’ll miss about being a fresher
Getting a 2:2 and not having to worry about it
My first term at uni was not what I expected it to be; I was homesick most of the time and I didn’t really have a secure group of friends. This term has been considerably better and while I’m now ready to say goodbye to my fresher lifestyle and start second year, there are some things that I’ll really miss about being a fresher:
Your marks don’t count
Almost every piece of work I’ve handed in has come back with yet another criticism about something completely different to the last, whether it’s been my appalling referencing or my constant comma-splicing. With nothing counting, it’s nice to know I can get a 2:2 in an essay and it won’t be reflected in any final grade. Next year, it’s a tad scary that every piece of work I hand in will mean something.
No real responsibility
This is reminiscent of the previous point, but I know that next year, work will take priority. Right now, if I feel like going out, I can just go: Stuesdays, Vodbull, you name it. Knowing I’ll have to take a bit more responsibility for my work next year is mildly terrifying.
Doing all the same modules as my course mates
I don’t know about other courses, but in first year, my course is practically all compulsory modules. This means all my course friends are in every lecture with me. Next year, when we pick most of our modules, they won’t be. Not only will I miss seeing my friends all day every day, but all doing the same modules means I never run out of conversation starters with anyone I happen to meet on my course.
My flatmates
Although my flat doesn’t spend a lot of time together like others might, we still get on well. I’ll miss hearing their dramatic stories about their different nights out which always seem to be 10 x more eventful than mine. Or hearing about which illness my flatmate has developed this week (so far we’ve had a meningitis scare, norovirus and pneumonia).
Pre-paid bills
I have no clue what I’ll do when I can’t just turn my radiator without worrying about how much money I’ll be burning. The idea of having to pay attention to a heating or wi-fi bill is all a bit too grown-up for me. It feels like the final nail in the adult coffin and I’m not sure if I’m quite ready for that sort of responsibility.
My ensuite
I reckon this is what I’ll miss the most about being a fresher, the ability to sleep in my bathroom after a night out, without being judged. Somehow, I just cannot see my future housemates appreciating a drunken mess of a girl sleeping with her head lolling over the toilet in the bathroom if they have a 9am that morning…
The freedom of being a fresher is like no other and I will be truly sad to say goodbye to it.