Birmingham Nightline has got your back this year
They’ll listen, not lecture
Nightline is a superb confidential listening service available to everyone at Brum.
Whether you are a fresher who is struggling to adjust to University life or you are simply wondering where the closest take-away is, you can always rely on Nightline to provide the answer.
Nightline, which launched at The University of Birmingham in 1984, it’s operated for students by students.
The Co-Chair of Nightline is encouraging freshers to make the most of the free service: “I realise how tough uni can be, particularly when you’re first starting, and Nightline is here to listen and support you throughout your time at university”.
She continued by saying she joined the society because she “wanted to volunteer and help people. By getting more involved I realised how much I could help and how rewarding it was.”
Most recently the service was praised by the Birmingham Volunteer Awards and The University of Birmingham are proud to have such a service.
Talking to The Tab they said: “At Birmingham our aim is to make sure that our students have access to the range of support that they may need and in ways that they can readily access when they need them.
“We believe Nightline to be a very useful resource for students and appreciate all those students who volunteer each year to be part of this service. It adds to the range of support on offer as part of University life and the University is very supportive of the Guild of Students continuing to provide valuable input to the student community.”
Nightline is dedicated to running campaigns and events to make sure students are aware the service is there for them.
The non-judgmental and emotional support service runs every night of term from 6pm-8am. You can find their number on the back of your student ID card.
If you prefer, you can contact via Instant Message from the my.bham portal.
You can also talk to a volunteer face-to-face at drop-ins which run until 12 midnight or you can alternatively email them.
The service is completely anonymous and prides itself on being a listening ear without the directive comments. They are also available to provide you with any information you may need.
For more information, or if you fancy volunteering, Birmingham Nightline’s stall will be at various fairs throughout Freshers’ Week.