Sober Students

Some students stay sober….but why?

alcohol drink sober students

Anyone who has ever experienced the Students’ Union on a Friday night won’t be surprised to learn that Queen’s topped the University Drinking League table of 2012. However some students won’t be contributing to the League table of 2013, because they’re perfectly happy staying sober.

“I just don’t like the taste”

Name: Kerry Burns

Age: 21

Course: French with Drama

Reason for not drinking: It’s never been something that has appealed to me. I don’t like the taste of alcohol, I don’t want to have to drink something I don’t enjoy and don’t need.

Do you feel you are missing out?

I’m still able to enjoy myself without getting drunk. Drinking culture doesn’t interest me so don’t feel like I’m missing anything at all. It’s just not for me.

Worst thing about staying sober: It’s pretty bad not getting invited to things because people assume if you don’t drink you won’t want to be around people who do, that’s not the case at all.

Best thing about being sober: I feel safe on nights out and don’t spend silly amounts of money buying drinks on nights out.


Kerry enjoying a Fanta


“I don’t need to”

Name: Sarah Hickland

Age: 20

Course: Design and textiles

Reason for not drinking: Growing up outside Belfast always made driving a main priority on my list and rather than forking out £30 or £40 on taxis after a night out, I would rather just drive. If I can have a fantastic night and have a bit of craic, then why would I go and ruin that for myself? After all, if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it!

Do you feel you are missing out?

I feel sorry for anyone who feels they can’t have a good time without it. I don’t think I need it- I’ve never been tempted because I know I’ll have a good night regardless. Why would I drink when I seem to have a better night than most of the people I know?

Worst thing about staying sober:

The worst thing is probably being labelled the “Sober one.” I find a lot of people would try and act more sober which annoys me- I’m not going to judge them for drinking, they shouldn’t feel that I would.

Best thing about being sober:

The best thing about being sober is that every single decision I make is my own. I do agree that “drunken minds speak sober hearts” but then again, there is normally a VERY good reason why certain things shouldn’t be said!

One minus to sobriety- dealing with drunks


There is definitely a stigma attached to staying sober and for many it’s just not an option they would consider. However, anyone who can brave a night out in Belfast without the help of alcohol deserves, if not a medal, a little bit of our respect from the likes of us drunken yobs. After all, where would we be without that tee-total friend who saves us from making an absolute arse of ourselves? Sober students, I salute you.