The new kids splurged nearly half a million pounds in freshers’ week

And we all had a cracking time for just over £10 a night

clubbing freshers week pier pressure yoko's

First years splashed £157 each this Freshers’ Week, The Tab can reveal.

An average night out set them back just £11.40 as Aberystwyth maintains its reputation as one of the cheapest university cities.

The week raised £471,000 for the city as 3,000 first-years made the most of this freedom.

The Tab calculated costs assuming all freshers:

• Went out five times last week

• Alternated between Yoko’s and Pier Pressure

• Got taxis from halls to town

• Ended their night in Istanbul Kebab for post-lash food

• Bought five drinks out each night, as well as predrinking

Rachael Booty, a third year student, said: “In my first freshers I spend hundreds, but that was mostly pre-drinks.

“I’d say it was worth it as it was such an exciting experience. However, I think I spent the same amount in second year and this year, which is probably too much.”

Another student added: “I think people underestimate how much they will need to spend at the time, as there are other costs as well as alcohol.”