Derwent’s end of year formal has its very own Snapchat filter

How else would you celebrate your recovery from Big D?

Is this the most Derwent things ever?

Tomorrow night marks the evening of Derwent’s very own Summer Soireé, a highly anticipated formal .

Spread across Heslington Lawn and continuing into D Bar, the soireé has some big things lined up for it and it’s all happening in aid of Yorkshire Cancer Research.

Will Gibbs, RAG Rep on the JCRC and organiser of the event told The Tab: “its gonna be sick, we’ve got 90 bottles of cava, The Blackjacks performing and a luxury photo booth. Wine is 3 for £30 and there’s free food!”

The night, where the winners of the Derwent awards are to be announced, will also consist of a bachelor auction and a raffle so it’s time to start getting excited now.

Tickets are available, here so get one if you haven’t already.