Raunchy old Rectors

It has been recently revealed that renowned explorer Fridtjof Nansen, rector from 1925-1928, had a scandalous side. St Andrews has been blessed, or cursed, with a number of scandalous Rectors. […]


It has been recently revealed that renowned explorer Fridtjof Nansen, rector from 1925-1928, had a scandalous side.

St Andrews has been blessed, or cursed, with a number of scandalous Rectors. Here are some of the most outrageous:Arthur James Balfour: composer of the controversial Balfour Declaration.

Fredrick Hamilton: claimed that a ghost saved his life from a falling elevator.

Douglas Haig: led thousands of British soldiers to their deaths in the trenches and no man’s land of World War I. One of these chaps was another Rector’s, Rudyard Kipling, son.

Robert Boothby: a promiscuous bisexual who had an illicit affair with cat burglar Leslie Holt. It was also alleged that Boothby took part in orgies which involved a number of young men.

Finally, and perhaps most shockingly, it has been recently revealed that renowned explorer Fridtjof Nansen, Rector from 1925-1928, had a promiscuous side of his own. When he was not growing an awesome moustache, searching for the North-East passage, circumnavigating the globe, or winning a Nobel Peace Prize he was taking sexy pictures for his sweet American Girl.

This information has been revealed in a new book Brenda, My Darling which is meant to celebrate Nansen’s 150th Anniversary.

The cringe (awesome) part is that Nansen, 67 at the time, was sending these photos to a girl 30 years his junior.

The Stand is always looking for juicy gossip and hoping that our new Rector can live up to this scandalous history provided by his predecessors.

For more information, and pictures (WARNING: might be detrimental to well-being) visit this link.