Stand up: Peter J. Herron Cartoons

You’ve seen his work around town, you just didn’t know it was his (try the crafty, intricate signs of Zest, Butlers, Minicks, Cross Keys…) He calls himself the ‘smoking devil’: […]

You’ve seen his work around town, you just didn’t know it was his (try the crafty, intricate signs of Zest, Butlers, Minicks, Cross Keys…) He calls himself the ‘smoking devil’: meet Peter Herron; cartoonist, sign writer, illustrator and poet– as he joins the ranks of The Stand’s Stand up legends. He’s also the brains and hands behind a new cartoon gallery to be installed in Rascals Bar this Sunday 25th March.


What’s your name?

The name’s Bond. James Bond. Nah– it’s Peter J. Herron.

What does the J stand for?

I would love to say Jabberwocky, but in reality, it’s just John, who was my parents’ best friend when I was born.

St Andrews born and bred?

No, I was born in Southeast London. Parents ran a pub at the time called The Earl of Derby– that might explain my passion for… eh, alcohol. But I moved here when I was 6 months old, so I do consider myself completely Scottish and I’m proud to be ‘from St Andrews’. I consider myself a Scot through and through. Home is where the heart is, as they say.

What is your best St Andrews memory?

That’s a tough one. Being the first one in my group of friends to get my own house, which meant all my friends congregated there during my teenage years. I was 19 at the time.

Who’s your style icon? 

Stephen Fry. Because style doesn’t have anything to do with clothes.

Can I just say you’re a very good interviewee. 

I like being put on the spot. The best responses come from quick-time honesty.

What was your very first cartoon?

It was for a magazine in my primary school called ‘The Spotty’. I got caught drawing cartoons in class and instead of getting told off I got to take an hour off of school every day to make up this magazine– my grandma still has it. My main character was called Hero Hedgehog – he used to save people by firing spines at them, his alter ego was… hedgehog. [The Stand laughs] I was 7 years old!

How do you come up with cartoons?

It’s utterly random. I see something, it could be something innocent as hell – and I just make a cartoon out of it. Like with my birds cartoon-I opened my bedroom window one day- saw two birds on a line, so- online, to porn, to bird cartoon. 

What’s your favourite cartoon that you’ve ever done?

Definitely the homeless robot. I’ve had that idea in my head for about five years.

Why did it take you five years? 

As it has so many levels to it and I wanted to get it just right. I finally realised that I wanted to make a statement with my cartoons. I wanted to say something social, something political, but most importantly something funny.

Tell The Stand about your new gallery opening this Sunday

I wanted to open a gallery because when you think of a gallery you think of fine or modern art- the cartoon is another form of art- cartoons can sometimes say a lot more than people think they do. People are more susceptible to the statement you are making when they have a smile on their face. My gallery has its grand opening at 6pm on Sunday the 25th of March at Rascals Bar, and all are welcome.

Now for the short & snappy ones: West or East Sands?

East. Because I lived near it, and my family have fished in that harbour for over 300 years. Anytime I’ve ever felt sad, I would go sit at the end of the pier and listen to the sea, that’s how i fixed myself. Your problems seem so small compared to something as vast as the sea.

Night or day?

Night. Stars don’t come out in the day. And if you truly want peace and quiet- then theres no peace and quiet like 3am.

Hero or villain? 

Both. A hero to my friends and a villian to myself. 



Cartoons © Peter J Herron Cartoons