Image may contain: Adorable, Pet, Mammal, Labrador Retriever, Dog, Canine, Animal

Sheffield Guide Dog Society forced to cancel movie night

It was meant to be held at The Edge on Sunday night

This week's much anticipated movie night featuring cuddly guide dogs has been cancelled, with only a promise that it will go ahead some time "in the next few months".

It's after the licence to show Wizard of Oz could not be secured, and previous attempts by the organisers to show 101 Dalmatians also proved unsuccessful.

Organised by the University of Sheffield Guide Dogs society, the £4 entry movie night was set to take place at High Tor 2 in The Edge this Sunday night, all in aid of the charity Guide Dogs UK.

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Unsurprisingly, the bark of "a post exams dog themed movie night and [the chance to] meet some lovely guide dogs" had hundreds students wagging their tails in anticipation.

But now more than 600 exam-weary students who said they were interested or would go on the facebook event have been left disappointed.

Speaking to The Tab, Guide Dogs Soc said: "We're extremely disappointed to have had to cancel our film night. We know that there are lots of students who were looking forward to the event and to meeting the charities' amazing dogs, as well as learning about how they change the lives of those with visual impairment."

Unable to confirm a new date with any surety yet, they added: "We are happy to say that the event will go ahead in the near future, and we hope to see lots of students there for a fun film night with some adorable pups."

But to save going barking mad over the latest news, dog-lovers can look forward to the society's annual 'meet and greet with a guide dog' in the summer. Not wanting to rub it in, but guide dog puppies will be there too.