You can spend a movie night with actual guide dogs at The Edge this weekend

Best cuddles you’ll ever get

Cute, cuddly, the best thing ever – no actually we're not talking about your partner. It's time to move on to better things, like spending a night chomping on popcorn with a guide dog.

Organised by the University of Sheffield Guide Dogs Society, students can crash into High Tor 2 at The Edge this sunday night for a movie night with the most friendly dogs around.

The night will cost £4, all of which will go to the Guide Dogs UK for the Blind and Partially Sighted charity, helping the blind live happy and normal lives like anyone else. Snacks will also be on sale if you fancy going that extra mile for your guide dog.

The anticipation can be felt across campus with Margherita Veltro, a first-year politics student, saying: “This is amazing I’m definitely going. It might even be the best thing about uni so far.”

Exam-weary students can meet and greet with the dogs at 7pm and the movie, expected to be Wizard of Oz, will begin at 8pm. The latest details, including changes to the film showing, can be found on the facebook event.