Virtuous vocalists flashmob Ali G

They sang Build Me Up Buttercup

ali g build me up buttercup Dissertation flashmob singing the foundations

Startled library-goers had a welcome break from their dissertations when they were interrupted by a spontaneous flashmob.

The singers belted out The Foundations’ classic hit Build Me Up Buttercup on Friday in the Ali G just after 3pm.

As students worked away quietly, the flashmob broke into their spontaneous singalong projecting their performance over the second floor balconies, breaking the learning commons’ usual study-fuelled silence.

In full swing

They then made their way to congregate at the centre of the first floor, where they performed the song’s finale and quickly disbanded.

Rather than irritated by the interruption to their working day, a huge round of applause erupted from spectators as the performance came to its climax.