South Cloisters- Sex on Tap

UCL’s South Cloisters are revealed as a hook up area for gay men.


UCL’s main campus isn’t the sort of place where you’d imagine that risqué activities would be going on in broad daylight. But The Buzz can reveal today that the male toilets in the South Cloisters are regularly used by gay students and members of the public on the hunt for casual sex.

A third-year undergraduate who did not wish to be named informed The Buzz that the activity has been going on for as long as he has attended UCL and suggested that it’s been happening since the South Cloisters were built.

“People use the toilets to meet up for random sex,” he told The Buzz, “‘cruising’ as it’s known in the jargon. It all takes place at the far end of the bogs.”

“You can bet your bottom dollar than on any given day you’ll find some action

Allegedly someone who is interested stands with his feet close to the partitions to signal his intentions and from there anything goes.

The revelation that members of the public are ‘cruising’ the South Cloisters’ toilets must be worrying for many students and is certainly a shock to the system for many who imagined UCL to be a more secure environment.