We asked ChatGPT to create Halloween costumes for Liverpool students – and here’s what it said

Catch me dressed as the BaaBar stairs next week x

With Halloween literally right around the corner, and the last minute panic buying commencing to make sure you’ve got a costume sorted for the big day, it seems like the perfect time to plan a weirdly niche, spooky costume that encompasses everything you’ve learnt as a Liverpool student so far.

Whether you’re heading to Concert Square for a ghoulish bar crawl, or booking tickets for an overpriced Halloween rave, we’ve got you sorted when it comes to your outfits this year – all thanks to ChatGPT. We asked the AI that supposedly knows everything there is to know about the university experience to suggest some iconic costumes that might inspire you.

From funny student clichés to incredibly specific, out-of-the-box ideas, here’s what ChatGPT thinks that every Liverpool student should be dressing up as this year.

Liver Bird

Starting off strong with one of the most iconic images in Liverpool history, ChatGPT thinks that “it’s a quirky, creative costume that involves feathers, wings, and a bird-like headdress”. I’m not quite sure how you’d do this without looking like a dishevelled pigeon wandering down Bold Street, but you could use it as a perfect excuse to steal some cheesy chips from innocent passers-by if you’re in the mood for it.

Scouse Weather

“Dress up as Liverpool’s unpredictable weather: A raincloud on one side, a bit of sunshine on the other. Carry an umbrella, wear waterproof gear, and add some fake raindrops or even a mini rainbow for good measure”.

ChatGPT isn’t wrong with this one, I suppose. Recommend it to your flatmate that exclusively wears Arc’teryx and hiking gear, and maybe they’ll actually come out with you on Halloween night.

Expired Student Railcard

Become every 16-25-year old’s nightmare this Halloween; realising you’ve booked a train ticket home on an expired railcard. As if the thought of that alone isn’t scary enough, the AI suggests to “create a giant railcard with a big red “EXPIRED” stamp on it”.

The ‘Out of Service’ Bus

On a similar note, why don’t you fill everyone with a false sense of hope and rock up to the house party in a big cardboard box, dressed as the 699, with an “out of service” sign on? It’s a miracle itself that your housemates will be able to witness a real 699 in the flesh, so take ChatGPT’s advice as “students relying on public transport will find it hilariously annoying”.

Sydney Jones Silent Study police

Become the self-appointed enforcer of silence in the library. Wear a strict-looking outfit (maybe an academic gown or something that screams “authority”) and carry a giant “SHHHH” sign. You can patrol the party, telling people to be quiet”.

It sounds like AI has infiltrated the UoL library at some point and witnessed the students who find joy in telling everyone in the library to shut up – you’ll go down a treat with this one.

LJMU Gym enthusiast

Easy one for the rugby boys here – only joking. “Become the overly enthusiastic student always posting about their workouts at the LJMU Sports Centre. Wear full gym gear, carry a protein shaker, and constantly brag about your “gains” and upcoming sports society events”.

Bonus points if you make an effort post a gym pic on your Snapchat the same day, because we all know the gym trip doesn’t count unless you document it on your private story. ChatGPT tops off the cringe by suggesting to add a sign that says “LJMU Sports Centre – Never Miss a Day!”.

Redmonds Building coffee addict

This one goes out to the School of Business and Law students. Dress as the quintessential student who lives off caffeine from the Redmonds Building café. Wear a lanyard, hold a giant reusable coffee cup, and attach multiple “coffee loyalty cards” to your outfit”.

Speak only in jittery, hyper-caffeinated phrases, and constantly talk about assignments due while reaching for more coffee”.

The Duo Authentication Guardian

If you want to genuinely torment every student you come across this year, ChatGPT suggests wearing “a giant phone costume with the Duo Authentication logo on the front screen. Attach random push notifications that say things like, “Approve sign-in?” and “Deny request?” all over your costume”.

We all know that two-factor authentication becomes the bane of logging onto any university site, so the AI wants you to interrupt everyone that speaks to you by asking them to “authenticate” themselves, and getting everyone in the club to “approve” by pressing a fake button on your costume.

The VK Warrior at The Raz

According to ChatGPT, “VKs are a way of life” at The Raz on a Monday night.

“Dress in bright neon colorus, cover yourself with VK bottle labels, and carry empty VK bottles taped together like trophies. Spill some drink on yourself (for authenticity) and scream “Cheeky VKs” every 10 minutes. Bonus if you have remnants of cheesy chips stuck to you as well”.

Not quite a Fat Frog costume though is it x

The ‘One Pint at The Guild’ enthusiast

“You always go for ‘just one’ pint at the Liverpool Guild of Students and end up staying till closing. Wear a Guild-branded shirt, carry an empty pint glass, and randomly announce that you’re only staying for “one more,” then stick around for hours”.

We’ve all been there, ChatGPT.

The vulture who only shows up for freebies at Freshers’ Fairs

“Wear a backpack stuffed with branded stress balls, pens, and keychains from random companies”.

Getting your bag checked in the queue on a night out might be an interesting one here. Also, dressing up as a literal bird of prey might be a bit ambitious, don’t you think?

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