love is blind seven marissa breakup ramses

‘He made me sound crazy’: Marissa from Love Is Blind shares real reason for her breakup

Marissa said there was a LOT off-camera that we didn’t see

Season seven of Love Is Blind was one of the most chaotic seasons with a breakup every episode, and Marissa and Ramses were a huge part of that calamity. The two seemed to have a great spark initially, but their relationship outside of the pods plummeted very quickly. We saw a different side to both of them, but I think I speak for all women when I say Ramses let us down on so many levels. He seemed totally fixated on intimacy and pretty unsympathetic towards Marissa at times, and he was the one who ended their relationship in the final episode.

Since then, Marissa spoke with Glamour about what he was really like behind the cameras, and why their relationship ended. It sounds like there’s a lot more to the story than we originally thought.

love is blind marissa breakup

via Netflix

Marissa felt her boundaries ‘weren’t being respected’

Reflecting back a year later, Marissa said that she “was trying to make a lot of concessions” in the relationship. “I wanted to be with him, and I wanted it to work so bad that I was willing to be like, ‘okay, you’re making me feel bad about my career but we can get past that.’ And now I’m like, dude, no.

A lot of their conversations were around sex and intimacy. Despite being a “very physical couple,” Marissa struggled with an autoimmune disease and ADHD which meant she got “overstimulated” many times from his physical affection. It did make her question if Ramses would want to be with her if she was chronically ill.

“This guy says he loves me but now, all of a sudden, I’m worried I’m not enough for him in this aspect of our relationship,” she remarked. She said there were also many off-camera moments where her boundaries “weren’t being respected” by him.

“It’s not like he was pressuring me to have sex with him, but I was so mad because it’s just the least of our worries. I was like, we have sex every day, multiple times. Like, I don’t know why we’re bringing this up right now,” she recalled.

We saw plenty of controversial moments in their filmed conversations, but Marissa noticed many inconsistencies with what was being said inside and outside the pods: “A lot of the conversations you see outside the pods in the real world are conversations we kind of already had in the pods. But they obviously needed to be brought up again, because they weren’t matching what he was saying, right?”

love is blind marissa breakup seven

via Netflix

However, no matter how many conversations they had, things just weren’t right on Ramses’ side. Marissa remembered a time she found him crying because he “didn’t realise how much [he] hurt [his] ex-wife” which made her think “this is somehow going to f**k us up.” She then started to see a serious problem when he rang his friend and made her sound “crazy.”

“I literally got up from the conversation. I don’t want to be here if you’re gonna talk about me like that… I’m just like, ‘Do you even like me?'”

The breakup went on for an ‘entire day’

When their breakup finally happened, it was a very emotional affair. But, what we saw on camera was just a snippet of an entire day of talking and crying.

“He’s crying, I’m crying, and it went on like that for the entire day until like, one in the morning.” Marissa noted. “I think with the other couples, the difference was none of us saw this breakup coming. It wasn’t like me and him were having big fights. The military conversations and the sex and all that, those were discussions you just need to keep having as a couple. And I didn’t think they were game changers at the time. I asked him so many times, ‘Are you sure?'”

“He would always say, ‘One hundred per cent. Love of my life. Soulmate. Gonna marry you.’ I take people at face value, and Ramses never led me to believe I shouldn’t believe what is coming out of his mouth. And so when he says we should break up and I don’t want to date you…”

marissa ramses breakup love is blind

via Netflix

Marissa also said that at one point during their conversation, she offered to not get married but stay together, and do everything on their “own timeline.” But, she was met with “a hard no.”

“And that is what really tore me up. I’m a very smart person. I’ve spent a lot of years in therapy and really know what I want. And it really turned me upside down, like it made me really question everything I’ve ever believed in,” she said.

Was Ramses really the feminist he made himself out to be?

Although the breakup came as a shock to Marissa, she wasn’t blind to the problems regarding intimacy. When asked if she thought Ramses was really as feminist as he made himself out to be, she said she “didn’t think” he was.

“He is a lot more selfish than he realises and I just don’t think he’s aware of it.” Ouch!

She added: “I think he is a good person. I just don’t think he realises how he comes across. He’s like, ‘I hear what you’re saying, but I don’t really care,’ because no matter how feminist a man is going to be, he’s still going to have a blind spot because he’s a man at the end of the day.”

Love Is Blind is available on Netflix now. For all the latest Netflix news, drops, quizzes and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook. 

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