Why second-years have it worse than the rest

The second year blues. They happen to the best of us, and they’re pretty hard to shake

second year students washing up

Whether it’s the increased workload, the dwindling motivation or the responsibilities of maintaining a house, second year can prove to be far from a walk in the park and if you’re not careful it is easy for it to get on top of you.

You’ll have to live in a house and everything

With the prospect of more freedom than ever, the chance to get away from annoying flatmates and the fact that you finally get to move into a house of your own, it’s easy to see why first years would be looking forward to their second year. However, it may prove to be not all it’s cracked up to be, with the comfort of freshers well and truly gone you now have to get to work and face the barrage of endless deadlines.

A common sight in any second year house

Additionally, living in a house comes with its own set of concerns. From neighbours who kick up a fuss over the pettiest of things to a pile of plates in the sink growing record breaking amounts of mould to constantly having to deal with the landlord when stuff starts breaking, it’s no surprise that so many second years yearn for simpler days.

And you’ll probably get slugs

And you won’t be able to afford heating

No longer in halls, your first year romance has gone to shit. What was once a short trip down the stairs for a quick shag has now become a 20 minute bus journey on the 699 down Smithdown or a 30 minute walk into town. This makes sustaining a relationship all that more difficult, creating stresses and strains where there used to be none and a reliance on tinder for romance rather than actual human interaction.

Romance WILL start to fizzle out

The fact that your results actually count towards your degree only add to the misery. Whereas you could have done as little work as possible in first year and it wouldn’t have mattered as long as you passed, the pressure of getting a decent degree is now weighing down on your shoulders and means that you actually have to sacrifice those night outs that you would have been so easily pressured into in first year.

Some second years channel their stress through snapchat and snapbacks

It is clear that being a second year comes with a new set of problems and if you’re not prepared then it could easily get on top of you and lead to a lot of stressful situations. However, if you just find the balance and make sure you dedicate time to work, night outs and cleaning your gaff then your second year has the potential to be even better than your first.

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