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A member of Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire has told us what it is like to be arrested during the London protests

64 year old Rosemary Robinson was arrested during a roadblock in Parliament Square

The climate change activist group, Extinction Rebellion, have been all over the news this week after causing roadblocks in central London to protest a "climate emergency".

These protests have seen 500 activists arrested in the capital so far, including one member of the Lincolnshire Extinction Rebellion group.

64 year old retired grandmother, Rosemary Robinson, was arrested in Parliament Square after she refused to move from the area she was sitting.

She told the Lincoln Tab: "The conversation I had with the police officers was polite and not confrontational.

"We understand that they are doing their jobs, and they understand we are peacefully protesting.

"There were no handcuffs used, and I was released from the police station about 7 hours later to return to our blockade in Parliament Square."

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Members from Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire have fled to the capital for the protest

In order to draw attention to the current climate emergency, Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire have previously: sprayed slogans on the windows of Barclays Bank in Lincoln High Street; dropped banners over bridges in various sites across Lincoln; and had a 'die in' and march in Lincoln city centre.

Rosemary continued: "Six months ago I would not have imagined that I would voluntarily get myself arrested.

"But now believe this is necessary to get the government to take the urgent action required to save humanity."

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Activists pretended to die in the streets of Lincoln last month

A group of Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire activists have been taking part in the big climate change protest in London since it started on Monday morning, and more are heading down this weekend from Lincoln.

Four key sites in the capital city (Parliament Square, Oxford Circus, Marble Arch and Waterloo Bridge), have been closed to drivers by protestors blocking the way with colourful banners, singing and dancing.

Rosemary is still at the Lincolnshire corner of Parliament Square and says she may sleep there tonight to protect the barricade.