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‘This is not ideal’: Ceiling collapses in student house in Hyde Park

There are live electrics hanging from the ceiling

Everyone’s got some gripe about their student house – whether it’s mould or a dead rat in your toilet, every student has something to complain about when it comes to living standards. And rightly so – some student accommodation is GRIM.

But has your house ever actually fallen apart in front of your eyes? For a house of three boys in Hyde Park, that’s exactly what happened this morning.

Third year student Robbie told The Leeds Tab: “We got back on Sunday night from the footy and the ceiling was cracked and leaking massively. We called the emergency number and the guy that came basically said ‘well this is pretty fucked’, but he said it would be alright for now because it wouldn’t collapse.”

The house of three went to bed assured that they were in no immediate danger, but things quickly took a turn for the worse.

“Two hours later my ceiling was on the floor. I phoned my other housemates Charlie and Josh in the middle of the night because I could hear noise and thought there were burglars in the house. I went upstairs and the whole ceiling had collapsed.”

Image may contain: Couch, Furniture

The damage is extensive – as seen in a video taken in the early hours of Monday morning. The full video can be seen on The Leeds Tab Instagram story.

“There are also live, wet electrics hanging from the ceiling” Robbie added. “And my housemate’s clothes are all ruined. We managed to move most of the electrics when we saw the house was flooding but the Xbox might have died.”

The house have planned to go to Stonehouse Properties, the estate agents in charge of the property, as soon as possible. Plans are in place to put the tenants in a hotel if the issue is not resolved before tonight. As for last night when the ceiling collapsed in the early hours, the boys eventually went back to sleep, saying on their group chat: "I don't care about asbestos, I'm tired."

“At least this hasn’t happened in the middle of exam and deadline season!”

Oh wait.

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