10 Chat up lines to pull a Classics student

For when Cupid’s arrow needs a little nudge, here’s 10 pick up lines for Classics students.

1) If I could re-arrange the Greek Alphabet I’d put Upsilon and Iota together

 hercules gif

2) I’ll erect a temple for you to worship…

3) Just call me the goddess of hunting, because I’m Diana to take you home

 4) I’m a cunning linguist. And I’m not talking Ancient Greek or Latin…

5) Damn, you are more banging than Hephaestus’ hammer

6) Nice Toga… but I think it would look better on my bedroom floor

7) Are you Prometheus? Because you just lit the fire in my heart

8) You’re so hot you could burn down Troy!

9) Were you born on a Roman farm? Because you’re amazing at raising cocks

10) Hello, my name’s Theseus. Will you let me enter your Labyrinth?