Beware of the Post Traumatic Fresher Disorder!

EMMA BARNARD discusses the latest epidemic to hit Leeds Uni…

first year freshers refreshers

So we’re now coming up to week three of real uni life, and it was around this time last year that my freshers week glow began to fade.

First and foremost: the lectures! A 9am start on a Monday? Unacceptable. Christ knows how I managed it for the last fourteen years of FREE education, but now that I’m being charged £9000 a year for the honour, damn straight I’m not getting out of bed!

That Fruity feeling…

But before you can blink that first essay is due in and you have a presentation next week. Then it’s exam leave and you’ve finally twigged that although this year doesn’t technically count towards your degree, you’ve still got to pass it – and that’s looking increasingly unlikely. 40% sounds so easy, but four weeks’ worth of hangovers later and you haven’t even attended 40% worth of your contact hours, let alone understood that much of the course…

The two BEST people in the world…and two of the worst…

So those flatmates you were going to be ‘BBFs’ with are now starting to lose their shine too. Room 23 always has his girlfriend over and NEVER cleans up after her. Room 22 is so shy he quite literally does not leave his macbook. Don’t even get me started on Little Miss Room 21 who has spent her whole life in single sex education, and now every time she’s within a 200 mile radius of the trouser snake she drops her knickers faster than you can say ‘St Trinians’.

Beware of the single sex educated!!

But don’t worry first years, things will pick up. You have it all to look forward to again during REFRESHERS  – when hangovers, essay stresses and irritating housemates all return with a vengeance…