Edinburgh’s got some serious tutor talent

Vote for our fittest prof

The source of constant distraction in lectures and tutorials; we present the nominees for Edinburgh’s best eye candy 2014-15.

With tutors like these, Edinburgh’s rubbish student satisfaction scores are a mystery to us: these tutors even brighten up the monstrosity that is David Hume tower.

Ines Sofia de Oliveira

Apparently one time a student changed his degree to Politics and International Relations just to see Ines for a 1 hour seminar every week.


Alexis Grohmann

Greek Alexis has long been the talk of Edinburgh’s Spanish students: “Its everything, he’s got the looks and the sexy accent. As a fresher I don’t make many of my lectures, but my attendance to his is 100 per cent.”

Simon Malpas

One English literature student said: “Despite his Shakespearean hairstyle I just want to rip open his shirt.”

And with Prof. Malpas’ teaching including studies of sex and seduction in restoration literature, it’s little wonder why he’s making a hot impression.

Alberto Godioli

Italian students got more than what they bargained for with Alberto. One fourth year student says: “He’s adorable, this picture doesn’t do him justice.”

Daniela Sannino

In arguably the worst Italian-based pun of the year, one fresher studying Italian says: “She’s hotter than a plate of steaming meatballs.”

Bashir Saad

Politics tutor by day, musician by night.  Bashir really is the full package. He even has a myspace account.

Dr Jamie Cross

As well as having notoriously brilliant hair, social anthropology lecturer Dr Jamie also spends his time finding ways to provide solar powered lighting to the people of rural India. Charitable and gorgeous – Jamie’s our kind of man.


Patricia Rueda

One Spanish fresher said: “She’s the Edinburgh tutor equivalent of Penélope Cruz.”  Enough said.