Should you Join a Sports Club?

In a word: yes.

inclusion sport uni

So Freshers’ Week is a distant thing of the past, you partied hard and had the hangovers to prove it. But during that week of carefree euphoria, did you entertain the idea of joining a sports team? Perhaps you momentarily flirted with the idea but decided against it, or perhaps you thought that you weren’t the right kind of person to join a sports team? We, The Tab, decided to ask some of Edinburgh University’s sporting club captains and committee members why they thought joining a sports team was the right choice for students to make.

Note: Beer pong is not a particularly effective form of cardio.


When asked why he believed joining a sports team was beneficial to students, Ronan Murphy of the boat club commented on the camaraderie found within sports teams:

“In my opinion, sports are the best way for students to make friends, have some fun alongside from their courses… No other type of activity creates such strong bonds as training and competing with a group of others – certainly in the Boat Club, all of the rowers go through the hours of training and experience the high and lows of winning and losing together.”

Ronan makes a good point, and one that I can vouch for – joining a sports team or club enables students to get out and meet new people, it creates lasting memories that will live on beyond university and create special relationships.

Take a break

Grace Conroy, EU athletics captain, also noted that joining a sports team presents you with the chance to meet new people. Grace also commented on sport’s ability to help relax an individual, especially when dealing with a heavy course load.

“I love all the people I have met through the various sports teams I have joined. It has given me a chance to try things I have always wanted to do but never had the chance. It’s a great way to blow off steam if there is something bothering you or under the stress of exams.”

Why is my first year outside course SO stressful? I need something to help me relax and blow off some steam.

Go national

Rena Liu, captain of the women’s badminton team, commented on the opportunity sports teams offer to compete at a competitive level:

“Being part of a sports team means you have a chance to play in national tournaments so you can express your talents across the country.”

However, you don’t have to be a world beater in order to play sports at university. Jak Purkiss, Edinburgh University men’s football captain, was quick to point out that you don’t have to play sports competitively in order to have a great time.

“Any student should get involved in sport at Uni whether at Uni level or Intra-mural”

Jack is right to mention the Intra-mural teams available for students to join and run; they are great for those with a heavy course load as they are often not as time consuming, yet still offer a competitive, social, sporting environment.


Rena also pointed out that the social side of sports teams were an attraction worth considering:

” the social side of being on sports teams is always an added bonus.”

Yeah, we’re on the social committee.

Again, Rena’s inclusion of the social scene offered by sports clubs is a noteworthy inclusion. Sports socials provide the perfect environment to get to know people better and offer a great opportunity for people to come out of their shells and interact with their peers.

So, if you’re looking for some competition in your university life, or you’re just looking to make friends, blow off some steam and enjoy the social aspects on offer, then joining a sports team is definitely the right choice to make. Do you want to end University wishing you’d tried to push yourself physically as well as mentally? Give sport a try, you won’t regret it.