Lectures to be held online for the first two weeks of term

The university has shared its plan for stopping the spread of coronavirus this Epiphany Term

Claire O’Malley, Durham’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor today shared communication with all students regarding the university’s approach to Covid-19 ahead of the start of term. The email detailed the university’s continued “policy to deliver a high-quality, in person teaching and learning experience” whilst reaffirming it’s commitment to the health and safety of staff, students and wider community.

Between Monday 10th and Sunday 23rd of January, the university will oversee temporary adjustments to its Covid controls in order to curb the spread of coronavirus. The first week of term will see all teaching except laboratory and practical classes taking place online. Following on from this, week beginning Monday 17th in-person teaching will now include small to medium sized group teaching which is expected to include seminars and tutorials while lectures remain online. Individual departments will contact their students with further information during the first week of term. It is hoped that by the third week of term that all face-to-face teaching will resume as normal, although this is dependent on coronavirus case rates and government advice.

During this time the university encourages students to partake in twice-weekly testing while the current local and national case rates continue to be assessed. Students should take LFT tests before travelling to Durham as well as on days one, four and seven after arrival. It remains university policy that tests are to be taken at on-campus established testing facilities and not at home self-testing kits. To engage in any wider student experience, including outdoor activities, students will need to present proof of a negative LFT. For the first two weeks of term, all indoor activities will be capped at 25 students.

In addition to this, mask wearing on campus continues to be mandatory in all settings including while seated during lectures and seminars.