What’s Hot: Week 3

Actually having to start work now term’s started? Do these things instead…

Palatinalps Signup

Opening at 8 this morning, by the time you read this it will probably be too late. If you overslept and missed out then prepare for everyone talking about it for the rest of January and the worst case of fomo ever. Maybe hope that your mate with a ticket breaks his leg and has to sell it cheap. It’s a dog eat dog world.

… and that was 2 hours ago

Careers and Internships Fair

Tomorrow and Wednesday. Okay, it might not exactly be ‘hot’ but let’s face it life can’t be all skiing and parties. Most of us will have to get a job eventually, you can’t live of mummy and daddy forever. And if you can, fuck you.


Durham Does Vintage

You know that common problem, you couldn’t fit all of your edgy clothes in the car on the way up. You had to leave at least 6 Christmas jumpers behind. Well fear not, you can go down to the Marriott on Saturday and re-stock.

NOVA’s Birthday

What with its being a staple of Durham nightlife it is difficult to believe that NOVA is only 2. The theme is ‘Carnival’ and they promise a ‘fuck load of surprises’. Best avoided if you have a fear of clowns.