The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Why can’t we just be friends?
Uni bigwigs aren’t best pleased about it
City Safety Group announces new safety measures to prevent further incidents
Join us as we live tweet the flute event of a generation
Revising hard? Find out if you need to be
Going out tonight? Better get ready to blow
The decision was made without consulting the colleges or students
They clearly haven’t heard about your exploits at Shack
Focusing on dangerous drinking is important, but we mustn’t let it blind us from what also needs to be done
At the end of Michaelmas the Tab headed, bottle in hand, to one of the grandest evenings of the year
The Law second year disappeared last Wednesday
Marine units with specialist divers are attending
Five days after the Mary’s student disappeared, police have announced they are reducing searches of the river and its banks
Because it would cause untold problems if they were bees…
…it was close for a minute there
They tried to sleep on the floor
Actually having to start work now term’s started? Do these things instead…
Have you got what it takes to write for Durham’s most popular news source?
Durham’s favourite club is plunged into darkness mid-song by power outage. Scroll down for photos
In good news for embittered Oxford rejects everywhere, the Durham University Challenge team has beaten that of Brasenose College, Oxford.
He told the crowd: ‘That’s what happens when you call me a cunt’.
We’ve trawled through the best of the Durham Freshers’ Group 2014. Don’t worry freshers – we’re here to help, not to judge…
A new photo has been released by police showing what missing student Luke Pearce was wearing the night he disappeared.
Yesterday evening at the Durham Union, Tab columnist Flo Perry took on ex-UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom in a debate marred by controversy.
Need a list of things to dull the pain of revision? We’ve got it covered
The Tab’s Durham team are at home stuffing their faces with chocolate right now, but you can keep track of the latest student antics on
Summatives getting you down? Here are some of the places you can head this week to take your mind off them…
Ever wondered who’s behind everything you see on the Tab Durham? It’s us. You’re welcome.
We bring you everything that’s going on around the uni this week – plus cannons.
Theatre, fashion shows and a sleepover – we bring you what’s hot this week.
There’s loads to do this week around Durham – once again we’ve brought you the places to be seen
The Tab brings you all the places to be seen this week – don’t miss out.
Would your Uni experience be better with ten million quid? Think of all the things you could do…
It’s back. Ollie Silverton joins the boys on a chilly evening at MC to find out whether any of them can achieve the impossible.