Bring on exams! Stats last year prove we can handle it
With exam season creeping up, The Tab decided to look at whether which college you attend has anything to do with your chance of success…
If anyone is worried about exams this Summer, here are some encouraging stats to show that 99% of undergraduates achieved at least a third last year, with a massive 84% of students achieving a 2:1 or a first.
Total grades achieved Uni-wide 2013
With less than 3% graduating with a third, without honours, or not at all, passing at Durham this year looks pretty attainable for most studious third and fourth-year students.
Percentage of firsts achieved by each college 2013
According to the Undergraduate Degree Results of Summer 2013, the college that achieved the highest percentage of firsts was Collingwood. Maybe not wearing gowns meant people could smuggle less drugs into formals, and thus find more time to study outside of a comedown.
The least number of firsts was achieved (percentage-wise) by John Snow, shortly followed by Hatfield. One Van Mildert second year said “Not surprising, if they spent less time at fashion shows maybe their grades would be better.”
Percentage of fails achieved (?) by each college 2013
The college procuring the most fails was Trevs. Whether that’s due to the unnatural shape or its unremarkable reputation, something led four people to fail last year.
On the plus side, seven colleges passed without any fails at all. One Castle third year said “I look forward to featuring on the charts next year.”
A complete collection of previous exam results can be found here.